Friday, December 26, 2014

OpenStack Series for Beginners

Blogging is new to me.  I started blogging in late July of this year.  To my surprise I was able to deliver 30 blog posts in 30 days. 

In the month of November I have participated in a community effort where each member publish 30 blogs in 30 days.  You can check out other blog posts with #vDM30in30 on Twitter or  go to

When I sign up I thought it was 30 blogs from the whole group.  Not until 2 weeks before Nov 1 that I have discovered that it was 30 blog post for each person.  I thought of backing off but then I wanted to push myself to see how far I can go.

Of the 30 blog posts, I have dedicated 20 of them to be OpenStack related in which I look at different parts of this popular open source cloud orchestration tool.  I would like to put all OpenStack related post into one for reference 

OpenStack Series Part 1:  How do you look at OpenStack?
OpenStack Series Part 2:  What's new in the Juno Release?
OpenStack Series Part 3Keystone - Identity Service
OpenStack Series Part 4Nova - Compute Service
OpenStack Series Part 5Glance - Image Service
OpenStack Series Part 6Cinder - Block Storage Service
OpenStack Series Part 7Swift - Object Storage Service
OpenStack Series Part 8Neutron - Networking Service
OpenStack Series Part 9Horizon - a Web Based UI Service
OpenStack Series Part 10: Heat - Orchestration Service
OpenStack Series Part 11: Ceilometer - Monitoring and Metering Service
OpenStack Series Part 12: Trove - Database Service
OpenStack Series Part 13: Docker in OpenStack
OpenStack Series Part 14: Sahara - Data Processing Service
OpenStack Series part 15: Messaging and Queuing System in OpenStack
OpenStack Series Part 16: Ceph in OpenStack
OpenStack Series Part 17: Congress - Policy Service 
OpenStack Series Part 18: Network Function Virtualization in OpenStack
OpenStack Series Part 19: Storage policies for object storage
OpenStack Series Part 20: Group-based Policy for Neutron

Hope you enjoy this OpenStack for beginner series!


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